3 Ways Outsourcing Can Benefit Your Title Agency
Most people think title insurance is boring. As far as we know, there are no title company reality TV shows, and no one grew up with a poster of legendary abstractor, Jimmy “No Liens” Lombardi, on their wall. Luckily for homeowners across the country, you don’t think it's boring, which is why you spend so much time and effort to protect your client’s property rights. But let’s face it, some parts of the job are boring (or just a pain in the neck.) That’s where we come in.
At Generes & Associates, we love boring. We enjoy pains in the neck. We read ALTA’s Best Practices Manual like your grandmother reads tawdry romance novels. We’re experts in all the stuff you don’t want to do, and we’d love to take it all off your hands. Whether it’s confusing software or tedious paperwork, outsourcing these essential but unexciting needs to us will save you time, money and sanity. Here’s how:
Increase Efficiency
As a small business owner, you know what your strengths are. Whether it's the best customer service, managing the most complicated title issues, or baking delicious cookies for every closing (always chocolate chip and never oatmeal raisin because you’re a professional and know what you’re doing), you understand what sets you apart from your competitors. If you want to run your business as efficiently as possible, double down on these strengths and outsource the rest. Have you been avoiding a growing mountain of policies and procrastinating your escrow account reconciliations? Let us handle it so you can focus on what you do best.
Seamlessly Substitute
Both business owners and their employees dread when a key teammate leaves. It can take months to hire and train someone to replace them, and no one can truly replace Stacey’s jokes by the water cooler (or the zoom room). You could try to expand your remaining employee’s duties to cover the load, but only if you want angry employees, pitchforks, and worst of all, more vacant positions. You can avoid that trouble with our Closer’s Relief program. We can literally be an extension of your staff to fill in for any vacant position or overworked team to handle any step in your work process. We can even try to tell Stacey’s jokes, so your team doesn’t miss a beat.
Access The Best Technology
Some of the most successful agencies have been doing business the same way for generations, but technology is changing the game at lightning speed. Here’s a quick questionnaire to find out whether you might need some technological assistance:
Do you still say “surfing the web”?
Do you know how to post a video to TikTok but can’t operate Microsoft Excel?
Do you have no idea what “The Cloud” is, but you’re too embarrassed to ask?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we’re here to help. You don’t need months (or even years) to figure out the latest technology; we can give it to you now. With outsourcing, you can get customized software that can exponentially decrease administrative time and costs. And you never even have to learn what The Cloud is.
Generes & Associates can help bring you all of the above and more. Since 1993, we’ve provided an array of services to title professionals, working one-on-one with our clients to achieve a common goal. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, visit our website or give us a call at 985-641-3490.