Understanding Your Trial Balance In A Three-Way Reconciliation
The trial balance is the third component of the three-way reconciliation process for an escrow trust account. It's vital for ensuring account accuracy and integrity.
Grill and Chill: Enjoy Your Summer with Help from Generes & Associates
Summer is (almost) here!
You know what that means, right? Warmer weather. Longer days. Greener grass. Sweatier backs…
Yet, while many of us hope for some time to rest and relax, the work never stops for title and settlement agents. While none of us really know what the market is going to do this year, the early months of summer are typically one of the busier seasons for home sales and refinancing. More home sales mean more title searches, more closings, and of course, more paperwork to process. With all that comes tighter deadlines, quicker turnaround times and dreaded backlogs. (Is this all making you sweat yet?)
The Escrow Sweep Stakes
If you are like many of the settlement agents for whom we at G&A provide services, you are earning revenue that you never receive and, in most cases, do not even know about. Let’s talk about the hidden income derived from your escrow accounts.